A review by litagentsaritza
Dreaming of Dragons by T.A. Chase


I immediately started reading this book as soon as I finished [b:Here Be Dragons|77449|Here be Dragons (Welsh Princes, Book 1)|Sharon Kay Penman|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1170900178s/77449.jpg|74826]. I could NOT put it down and I loved the way the author chose to write the sequel from Mordred and George's POV. You not only get to see how life in the Realm of Dreams is but you get to see how the two legends came to find their soul mates in each other.

Summary: Sequel to [Book: Here Be Dragons]

Lovers for centuries, Mordred and George's relationship is strong enough to withstand anything--or so they think.

With dragons and magical creatures appearing every day, George risks everything, even to the point of losing his lover, to maintain the balance between the Realm of Dreams and the human world. Mordred can see George slipping away and, for the first time in his long life, insecurity creeps through.

As the presence of old lovers, new friends, and deadly dragons cause cracks in their foundation to form, Mordred and George must discover how far they're willing to go to save their world and their love.

Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse, male/male sexual practices, violence.

What I liked about this book: The plot thickens, as they say and with the sequel we get to see that in order to save the world, sacrifices must be made. While the humans try to fight creatures beyond their comprehension, the living legends are battling against a staged coup that could destroy both of their worlds. In the center of it all, are Mordred and St. George, fighting to save the humans and keep their love alive in the process.

I loved walking through their realm with Mordred and George. Loved seeing the way their love grew and transcended time and space. While the Mordred of Arthurian legend could be considered the bad guy, here he is not just a hero, he's the narcissistic legendary hero we all love to have a love/hate relationship with.

Excerpt: Mordred shrugged slender shoulders and moved, straddling his hips before settling in his lap. “So do I, but it is what it is. We have to take advantage of what we have, and what we have is me. Beowulf wants me back, and I have a feeling he‟ll be willing to brag to me once he believes I‟m on his side.”

Cupping Mordred‟s firm ass, George rocked their groins together. Mordred gripped his shoulders and kissed him. He opened his mouth to the elf. Mordred stroked the roof of George‟s mouth, causing shivers to run down his spine. He sucked on Mordred‟s tongue, drawing a groan from his lover.

He slid his fingers down Mordred‟s back to tease the top of Mordred‟s crease. Mordred tilted his hips to encourage George‟s touch. He pulled one hand away and blindly searched the top of the stand next to the bed. Got it, he thought, as his hand closed around the bottle of oil they kept there. He yanked the cork out with his teeth and spit it over the side of the bed.

Mordred ground their erections together. George noticed how Mordred kept his knee away from the bandage at George‟s side. After pouring oil over his fingers, he rubbed the tips over Mordred‟s hole lightly before he breeched the puckered open.

Moaning, Mordred relaxed, taking George‟s fingers deep into his tight passage. George twisted, brushing Mordred‟s gland with his knuckles.

“Damn,” Mordred groaned.

George scraped his teeth over Mordred‟s shoulder, not breaking the skin, but drawing the blood to the surface. He never drank Mordred‟s blood unless he was severely injured, as he had been with his recent wound. He‟d gotten used to letting Mordred do it when they fucked because he knew the elf needed the connection it created between them.

He continued fingering Mordred‟s ass until his lover‟s smooth rhythm faltered, telling him Mordred was about to come. He removed his fingers to pour oil in the palm of his hand and slicked his cock up.

“Time to ride me, love,” he murmured, gripping his prick in one hand while urging Mordred to impale himself.

He lifted his hips as Mordred sank down, enveloping him inch by gloriously tight inch. Mordred pushed against his chest and shook his head.

“Let me do the work, George. We don‟t want to aggravate your wound.” Mordred winked at him. “Do you really want Hester to lecture you about having sex after a life-threatening injury?”

George shuddered and not from desire. Mordred‟s witch friend, Hester, scared George. His fear could be a residue left over from his mortal life when he‟d been superstitious about women like her. He lay back on the pillows, kept one hand on Mordred‟s hip, and fisted Mordred‟s cock with his other hand.

“Move,” he commanded the elf.

Mordred shot him an imperious look that was spoiled when the elf moaned as the head of George‟s cock stroked over his gland.

“You are a bit of a slut.”

He kept his grip snug around Mordred‟s prick, knowing just the right amount of pressure his lover liked. He raised his knees to help Mordred balance better. Watching Mordred fuck himself turned George on. He admired the long, lean lines of his lover‟s body.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, taking his hand off Mordred‟s waist and trailing it through the cascade of blond hair swirling around them as Mordred rocked.

“Gonna,” Mordred ground out between clenched teeth.

“Come. I want to feel you.”

With his feet planted, he met each of Mordred‟s downstrokes with a thrust of his own. Sweat rolled down the elf‟s thin nose to drip onto George‟s chest. The room filled with the scent of sex mixed with Mordred‟s unique smell.

“Love!” Mordred shouted, hot cum spurting from his cock to cover George‟s hand and stomach.

The viselike grip of Mordred‟s inner channel massaging his cock drew George‟s own climax. He held the elf‟s body tight to his as he flooded Mordred‟s ass with his own seed.