A review by _daniyelle
A Beautiful Sight by Sandi Lynn


Wow! That's the first word that comes to mind when I finish reading the phenomenal book. Then later a few other words came; beautiful, gut wrenching, emotional, survivors, anything is possible.

I'm a big fan of Sandi Lynn, I love how her charters make me feel. It doesn't make feel I'm just reading a book. I feel like I'm transported to each and every scene and that I've become apart of the characters life.

I love every aspect of this book. So much feelings. I didn't put the book down, I couldn't. It was such a beautiful piece, I'm honestly lost for words. I cried so much, and I smiled even harder. I was inspired, and so grateful and appreciative of so much aspect of my life. Because this book made you reflect even if you didn't want to.

As much as I love the steamy parts of the book, yes those scenes where ..whew! I can't take it but give me more. The emotional aspect of the character is what truly got me.
All I can say is I love it from start to finish. Don't take my word for it, read it for yourself! Get caught up, fall in love with a beautiful sight, because it was that a beautiful sight and so much more.

Thank you Sandi
**One Love **