A review by mslenakay
Mad About the Boy by Helen Fielding


Seriously, don't waste your time. I should get a prize for finishing this book. The movie is not based on this book, so no reason for anyone to read it. My copy is signed by the author because I went to an event and that's probably the only reason I own this. There was food and drink involved. I got the first two books from book swaps, they're okay, but not good.

The movies are better. Haven't seen the third movie and it's not based on this book but it's got to be better.

That's all I got.

I can explain why it's bad, I guess: Jones meets up with a guy from Twitter, starts dating him. Proceed to go by their Twitter handle names for rest of book. Bridget vomits, farts, makes fart jokes. Wtf. She is more concerned about dating a 30 year old than caring for her kids. She's so dumb, it's actually painful. I've read a lot of British chick lit books and a lot of the main characters are really stupid (looking at you I Heart series) but Bridget is by far the most stupid. They're all like idiot teenagers in way older bodies.

I'm thinking about making a Goodreads list for books that are THIS bad.