A review by pogue
Book of Secrets by Chris Roberson


If I had to describe The Book of Secrets by Chris Roberson in one word it would be interesting. I love books that are mystery's that involve religion, books and puzzles. That is what from reading the blurb on the back of the book I thought this one would be. It was not, but it was not a bad book.

The back of the book talks about a secret in human history that is found in old pulp sifi stories. No, not really. There is a secret that has been hidden in history, but not in sifi stories. The stories are more along the PI/Crime fighter/pirate/cowboy line. No odd aliens or anything more advanced than a cell phone. Then I am not to sure about that. The pulp stories all tell of a hero called The Black Hand or Hands as sometimes the case may be.

But, this book is also about a stolen book, and not for the book itself but for the secret it contains. One that could change the world, or change what world is lived on. That might be where the sifi stuff comes in at, but it really is more a retelling of, well if I put that in here that would be a spoiler and I am not about that.

It was a fast paced book and when reading it I kept expecting to hear an old movie mystery sound track that plays dundundunnnn when a clue or a secret was reviled, but only when reading the pulp fiction parts.