A review by thesassybookworm
Grigori by Lauren Smith




descriptionExcellent cover on this one. A fantastic representation of the story. Excellent composition (although "I" would have moved the series symbol more to the right. Great use of graphics and title work as well.description

descriptionI love dragon shifters. I think they may be tied with wolves as my favorite type of shifter in a romance. Although I am also partial to lions...in any case, dragons are center stage in this one, and we have the pleasure of meeting the first of the three Barinov brothers, Grigori and his mate Madelyn. Madelyn is in Russia (seriously this author kicked it up a notch and made the dragons Russian...swoon) to write a paper on dragons. When she requests a book from the royal library, she ends up getting more than she bargained for in the form of a 6 foot 4 smokin hot businessman/dragon who kidnaps her and demands answers. Soon answers are the least of Grigori's problem when he, Madelyn, and his brother are pulled into a dragon war with another clan.


I enjoyed this one a lot. It was well written and well paced. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. The author does an excellent job of world-building without it taking over the story completely. Weaving it with actual history was a nice touch. This is a true mate story, and so the attraction is pretty instant. Therefore there is no OW/OM drama. The heroine was a virgin, and the hero hadn't been with anyone in a long while. It was a slow burn but here are a few sex scenes. I would have liked to have seen a few more spicier scenes. This one wasn't heavy on the secondary characters. The main one being Grigori's brother Rurik. Who I enjoyed very much and can't wait to read about. I have a feeling I know who his heroine is going to be. Both main characters were extremely likable. I adored Grigori. He was sweet and sexy. I would probably label him alpha-lite. I loved Madelyn equally as much. She was sweet and strong when she needed to be. Lastly, it was all wrapped up in a sweet epilogue that gives a hint of what is coming up in the next book.description

