A review by elspethm
Four Weeks of Scandal by Megan Frampton


Overall I really liked this book. The main characters, Gabriel and Octavia, spend a month trying to prove ultimately who owns Octavia's father's house after both their fathers die. Gabriel wants to live in the house and make it q home and Octavia wants to sell it and use the money on improvements for the gambling "hell" she owns in London. They create a little family in the house, search for promissory notes, and fall in love, all while Gabriel teaches the group about Greek myths. The sexy side went from a censored X rating to a true X rating and it seemed a bit weird that the scenes weren't either much more PG rated, or were truly an X, but I could overlook that since I enjoyed the romance and the main characters.

I read an advanced copy through NetGalley and are giving an honest review.