A review by per_fictionist
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid


In the mystical realm of Hiraeth Manor, Effy Sayre, a believer in fairy tales, embarks on a quest to redesign the estate of her literary idol, Emrys Myrddin. Her tattered copy of Angharad, Emrys Myrddin’s enchanting tale of a mortal girl entangled with the Fairy King, a well-loved relic keeping her afloat in the sea of reality.

Enter Preston Héloury, a young scholar on a quest to unravel the alleged fraud within Myrddin’s legacy.

In this enthralling tale, Effy and Preston must navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the estate, together, as rivals in the pursuit of truth, uncovering not only the mysteries of Myrddin’s past but also confronting the echoes of their own desires and fears.
As Effy and Preston become reluctant allies in unraveling the mysteries, both mortal and magical forces conspire against them. Effy's optimism clashes with Preston's skepticism, creating a tension that crackled like magic in the air.

Set in a dark academia backdrop infused with rich fae folklore and Welsh legends, "A Study in Drowning" weaves a seamless blend of literature. The drowning and picturesque Welsh setting add a haunting quality to the tale.

A powerful quote from the story resonates: “You don’t have to take up a sword. Survival is bravery, too.” A Study in Drowning is a poignant exploration of the deep-seated sexism ingrained in academia, tracing the path of women relegated to an inferior status throughout history and in the contemporary world. Yet, at its heart, it is a powerful anthem of resilience of these women to reclaim their silenced voices in a heavily patriarchal society.

For everyone, who is looking for a fantasy that radiates hope.