A review by melissarochelle
Bad Therapist by Evan Wright


Raise your hand if you check your state's medical board licensing verification site before you visit a doctor...


Yeah, well, you should. There are MANY people who claim to be therapists, chiropractors, physicians who have never passed any kind of test or attended a program. They are liars. Avoid them.

This "bad therapist" took advantage of his "clients" -- he was supposed to be helping them kick their addictions. Instead he gave them more drugs.

This still happens in the recovery industry today. Seek in-network addiction treatment programs. Especially if you're looking at programs in California or Florida. I cannot stress to you enough how many "facilities" there are out there that are truly JUST sober living homes. They claim to over counseling, etc, but they actually just bus patients from their very pricey sober living home to non-facility AA/NA meetings. They bill insurance for THOUSANDS of dollars for "partial hospitalization" when other programs may only charge a thousand dollars for a month of the same level of care.

DO YOUR RESEARCH. (If you need assistance or have questions, please feel free to reach out. I am in know way an expert (or a therapist), but I am pretty familiar with the industry.)