A review by kim_brockway_gatehouse
Heartache by Annie Bellet


Heartache, Desperation, Frustration, oh my!

I'm already a fan of Annie's writing style and this urban fantasy series. Heartache is the 5th book and aptly titled. I should stress that the books in this series need to be read in order to understand the plotline.

I downloaded the narration by Folly Blaine for my Kindle. However, I ended up listening to most of the story through Audible rather than reading it. I like the way Folly reads the narrative, it's good. The story is told from Jade Crow's perspective and Folly's performance mirrors our protagonist's personality. However, Folly has a very limited number of accents or voices. Many of the characters sounded the same, making scenes with more dialogue than narrative harder to follow.

The plot in this book felt less full of hope and lighter moments. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the tension of waiting for Samir to strike or the feeling of "out of the frying pan and into the fire." Plus of course Annie is really good at writing dynamic fight scenes, especially those with magic. I was definitely holding my breath a lot. However, I missed being uplifted. Plus it ends on a rather depressing cliffhanger which is why I've sulkily rated Heartache 4-stars not 5. However, there are still geeky references and nerdish quotes sprinkled throughout this book that warmed my heart and put a smile on my face.