A review by shelvedthoughts
Grimkeeper by Everly Haywood



Reader’s Notes:

– this is part of a series and can be read as a stand-alone (however there are some spoilery things for the events of Peaceweaver that happen during this story as well)

– the events of this story occur before, during, and after the events that occur in Peaceweaver

– this is told from Dagmar’s point of view

– it is mentioned that the dark elven women haven’t been able to have children and that it was bargained that the human kingdom would forcibly send some of their women to the dark elven kingdom to be brides in order to keep the dark elves’ race alive

– this story has elements inspired by the tales Beauty and the Beast & The Twelve Dancing Princesses


I loved this story so much! I loved Dagmar’s stubborn & blunt personality. I loved Peregrin’s quiet, bookish, yet also stubborn personality (especially after reading the snippet at the very end of the book from his point of view). I hadn’t read the summary prior to reading this story so I was happily surprised to be right in thinking this story had elements from the Twelve Dancing Princesses tale! And when I thought back to the story for Beauty and the Beast elements, I could also pinpoint them easily now that I knew to look for them. I loved that most of the story took place at Peregrin & Ava’s (his sister) home with all of it’s books and fae cats!