A review by pascalibrary
The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson


Honestly this book is just bloated. It was a 500 page book poorly masquerading as an 800 page brick. The Sazed fake-out, the kandra lore tidbits, the first 100 pages, etc, were very redundant and dragged out.

The ending contributed to this, especially regarding the Sazed fake-out. This could not be true, but it felt like Sanderson had a specific ending in mind and had to artificially engineer events, against the story's course, just to get it there. This is why characters start acting strangely and doing things that don't make any sense.

Elend had a great character arc. He was one of my favorites in the last book, at least retrospectively, and he gets a lot of attention here. He evolves in interesting ways, some of them worse imo, but still it was cool.

Vin, though . . . She fell victim to the ending problem a little bit, and a lot of her character drama comes from her troubled relationship with Elend, which is the dumbest problem because they could have just talked to each other and the entire thing would have been resolved. Instead, they just independently decide to be completely codependent on each other. It's strange and, to be fair, Elend has the same problem. Other than that, it was cool to see her powers grow, her temptation by Zane, and her eventual failure/success.

Idk I'm not in the mood to write up a whole thing right now. The book was fine but was way longer than it needed to be.