A review by allysonwbrunette
Go-Givers Sell More by John David Mann, Bob Burg


The Go-Giver presents an approach to sales that is based on connecting with people at a human level and delivering exceptional value to others in what you do. The main idea is that you should focus on connecting with others and gaining an understanding of who they are and their needs. From there, you can develop a product or service that provides value catered to those needs. If you lead with genuine human connection (rather than a sales pitch), you are in a better position to listen fully and understand your connection and if and when the time is right, deliver the best possible value. By focusing on value and exceptional customer experience, the authors share many examples of how business can be generated through referral. The idea is that the majority of your business prospects will not come from direct connections, but from second or third-degree connections who have been referred to you by satisfied first-degree customers and connections. I found this message so refreshing and it has given me greater confidence to seek out authentic connections with others, without worrying so much about selling my services. Yes, of course, I am motivated to earn contracts and provide value, but I have faith in my approach of connecting first and trusting that if I deliver a great experience, more work will come. This book offered a refreshingly human perspective on networking, connecting, and helping one another - how to be a good human rather than how to be a good salesperson.