A review by adamdavidcollings
RotoVegas by Grace Bridges


A fun spin on the superhero genre. Drawing heavily on Maori culture and legend, the powers and their source is quite unique. The book serves as a great introduction to the world and the characters, easing you in slowly, as the main character herself is eased in. The book does not allow itself to be enslaved by YA tropes, and yet still feels comfortable for those who enjoy the genre.

The stakes are small, centering on a single town, rather than the fate of the world, but the stakes are not low. They are personal. I find this fitting. These are (mostly) young characters, just discovering their abilities. It is believable to me that they're not quite at the "save the world" stage yet.

The New Zealand setting was very refreshing. As an Australian, it felt almost like home, and yet different.

Recommended for those who like fantasy and/or superhero fiction.