A review by beckymmoe
1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Fourteen by J.B. Salsbury, Joanna Wylde, Kristen Ashley, K. Bromberg, Carrie Ann Ryan


Loving this series!

Bundle Fourteen starts with two heavy hitters--Kristen Ashley and Carrie Ann Ryan, offering novellas from two of their biggest series, Rock Chick and Montgomery Ink--both series I've been meaning to read for ages, an intention that's got some muscle behind it now that I've gotten an introduction!

Rock Chick Awakening is a prequel to Ashley's series, and OMG, what a read. Fans of the series will undoubtedly be squeeing and ahh-ing toward the end, but even for a newbie this one brought all the feels. Even though I've got very little in common with Daisy, the heroine, Ms. Ashley had me putting myself right in her flashy, these-might-break-my-ankles shoes right from the start.

Adoring Ink is Holly's story (Jake of [b:Ink Enduring|26129498|Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink, #5)|Carrie Ann Ryan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1458218129s/26129498.jpg|46079465]'s ex--and wow, do I want to read his book too now) and it's a doozy! Elementary school teacher Holly has been looking to break out of her shell, and mechanic and bad boy (or is he?) Brody's just the guy to help her cross items off of her bucket list--as long as she can keep her heart out of it... (Yeah, I know--right? Not gonna happen... ;))

Sweet Rivalry is a fun second chance romance/rivals to lovers mashup by a new-to-me author that I'll definitely be reading more from in the future. Though it ended a bit abruptly (he's going to tell her what happened, yes?) it was a sweet, hot, and fun read.

Shade's Lady is the first book I've read in Joanna Wylde's Reaper's MC series, but it definitely won't be my last! I loved her writing, and Mandy's voice--both internal and external--made this one so much fun to read.

Fighting for Flight by JB Salsbury was, unfortunately, a DNF for me. I read about 40% before giving up--I just didn't find the characters or their situation believable.

Still, the strength of the other four stories more than makes up for the weakness of the final offering--whether these are new-to-you authors and series or you're already a fan, this is one collection that is definitely worth picking up!

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.