A review by tobyyy
Rhododendron Pie by Margery Sharp


Unread shelf project 2021: book 66.

At its heart, this is a book about parenting, and how one set of parents’ views on what is normal, acceptable, even lauded, differs from their children’s views as the children age.

At least, that was my takeaway, based upon the plot, climax, and ending.

I was confused at the beginning when it was stressed how young Ann was… and then later it was disclosed that she was 20 and her older sister was 25, and her brother somewhere in between. From how it had been narrated at the beginning I thought Ann was closer to 10 or 12. **facepalm**

Aside from that brief bit of confusion, I enjoyed this book, although in the middle it was unclear what direction it was taking, what the purpose of Sharp having written it was. But that became (somewhat) clearer as I read further.