A review by adrianwelsh
Storm Front, Volume 1: The Gathering Storm by Mark Powers, Jim Butcher


I read (or listened to) this novel ([b:Storm Front|47212|Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)|Jim Butcher|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1419456275s/47212.jpg|1137060]) a couple of years ago and was excited to re-live it in graphic novel form. It’s a little weird that this novel was broken into two graphic novels, but they broke it up nicely to have good endings and beginnings. The drawings were fantastic, and the story was told just as well as the novel told it. I really liked the phonetic words used to describe sounds (especially the thunder and lightning – they were cool!). My favorite part of this book was at the very end; we see a prequel chapter of how Dresden meets Murphy. It was a great small story and I really enjoyed it.