A review by princessrobotiv
Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon



Don't get me wrong: This was a quick, light, enjoyable read. I found the setting of the alien world intriguing, particularly the unexpected revelation regarding the aliens' origins.

It moved a bit too quickly, however, and the writing was simplistic. I also wish we had more depth to the plot because it was exceedingly shallow.

Usually a two-star rating for me indicates a solid "dislike," but that isn't the case this time. The romance and plot were too rushed for me to give this a three, but I had a good time. I especially enjoyed the tenderness between Georgie and Vektal. Their initial struggles to understand one another reminded me strongly of Amber and Meoraq in 'The Last Hour of Gann,' so it was a pleasantly nostalgic experience.

I mean, it's called "Ice Planet Barbarians." I'm not looking for Pultizer-winning prose, here; I've got 'Middlesex' on hand for that. I'm judging it within its own genre and within its own context, and because of that, I say: 'Not bad.'

I'm looking forward to the next installments; supposedly the quality improves overall as the series progresses. Hopefully there's enough variation to the stories to keep me interested past the first few books.

Anyway, this was a pulpy, satisfying read for those looking to scratch that alien romance itch. I imagine that the series would also be well-received by lovers of "mating" or "soulmate" devices used in romance or fanfic.