A review by capgambit
The Black Prism by Brent Weeks


First impression: meh. Seems like a good enough story not greatly impressed with the writing. For example in the beginning there was a poor thought out sentence. I don't remember the exact wording but it was something along the lines of "It was the kind of dark that scared the $#!t out of you." Seems teenage and not very descriptive. There's not a lot of swearing and the bit that there is seems out of place and unnecessary. I keep listening and see how it turns out.

So I didn't finish! It just didn't keep me interested. I didn't get attached to any of the characters. Couldn't keep straight who was good/bad (which typically is intriguing but in this case I just got bored trying to figure it out), main character has no self esteem (continually referring to his fat butt etc), main character is on a quest to avenge his mother who hated his very existence (so why does he even care), and the list goes on. Not to mention that I was listening to the audio book and the narrator was awful. I tried. I really did try!! But I just flat out got bored with the story. I am slightly curios how it all ends up in the end but I will most likely find out how it ends on wikipedia