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A review by dahabow
The Graces by Laure Eve


I binged this book in a single sitting. I honestly could not put it down.
From the very start, I was doubting yet falling in love with River and the aura around the Graces. I didn't have any expectations other than I couldn't trust the narrative, since it was first person. THAT didn't stop me from connecting with river.

I can't put this book into words. Every time I try to, I find myself in awe of Laure Eve's writing. She has a way of hooking you in and I was honestly looking forward to undoing the mystery.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves to read something different...special, maybe even magical. It honestly felt like I was right beside River, seeking out the graces and realising the truth. Honestly, if you want something new and slightly need this book.

I also loved getting to know Fenrin, Summer and Thalia. My favourite was Summer Grace because she seemed the Not the right word, but I could read her more easily than the others. Towards the end, Thalia was as cold as her mother was made out to be but I saw her reasons. Fenrin...oh you charismatic fool. He was loved so much...and then i felt like River with her devastation and I can't say more because spoiler central.

Thank you to Hannah Love for sending this out to me and Laure, you write a pretty badass character.