A review by loki_the_gnome
Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille


A fascinating work of pure transgression, possibly pornographic depending on one's definition but far from erotic, utilizing sex for a dense, multilayered and circular central metaphor, this is one hell of a metaphysical and absurdist text, one that's certainly bizarre, alluring, disgusting, provoking, and fascinating all at once.

The most compelling portions of this novel were less any specific segments within, but more the one's I read after, that of the artists' prelude, his ruminations on his own trauma's and memories being unintentionally written into the novel, and that of the essay on the Metaphor of the eye, which retroactively makes the work strangely genius in its own sick way, a reflection of trauma is laced in each image, intended or not even something so strangely depraved and absurd as this can't help but speak to the authors soul, for better or worse (probably worse.)

A compelling read, the first chapter made me immediately think "what the hell am I reading?", but luckily I stuck around made curious enough by the essay in the end, Bataille is a self admitted provocateur, proudly describing the story as "immature", but he has quite a sense of prose even in its immature form, the surrealist bleeding of chapters and absurdity of images is quite striking, and even in its intended provocation, it mostly comes off as more absurd than crass, which feels by design, and ultimately upon conclusion much of that absurdity is converted into a strangely somber reflection given the meaning of many of these symbols.

Regardless, not for the faint of heart, probably a decent start to transgressive literature as:

1. It's quite short
2. most of its transgressions are relatively inoffensive (assumedly) compared to what else you'd likely find, mostly revolving around bodily fluids, sacrilegious acts, and a whole lot of eggs (or eyes?), although it's grotesque and provocative, it actually moves on from said vulgar acts quite quickly, having more interest in the repetition of them than in their actual form.

Tw's (Large spoilers here):
Sexual violence (including, most predominately, towards minors)
Egg's in sexual acts
Bull testicles in sexual acts
eyeball's in sexual acts
A lot of urine