A review by kassholla
House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas


I’m not entirely sure how to feel about this one. I waited a day or two before writing my review because of my internal conflict with the story. I’ve read all of SJM’s series now, and here’s my thoughts.

Crescent City 3 is a great conclusion to the main CC story, but it’s very predictable and similar to Sarah’s other works. I was able to correctly guess quite a few “twists”, and in true Sarah fashion no one really dies. As strange as it may sound, that is one of my biggest issues with her work. Somehow all her main characters survive the most brutal and dangerous missions/wars ever. And someone is always brought back from the dead. It’s very unrealistic, and feels like a cop out.

I enjoyed the ACOTAR crossover a lot, but I’m a Nesta stan. I didn’t expect a full ACOTAR storyline like some people did, but I almost expected a little more in terms of them discussing the implications moving forward. I’m sure this will be addressed later on, so I don’t really have a problem with the way it ended.

This book also made me loathe Bryce until the very end. She was incredibly bratty and rude, and seemed to only focus on herself at times. Everyone needed to get over their feelings and fall in line no matter what. I was surprised to realize she is the oldest FMC in SJM books because she feels so immature at times. I was incredibly grateful we kept switching perspectives because I wanted to read anything other than Bryce for most of the book. I found Ruhn, Ithan, and Lidia to be my favorites in this book. Overall the fire sprites are my favorite characters from the series.

Again, I think it’s a great book, but not something I would be inclined to re-read. There was also a grammatical error where quotations were missing from the start of some dialog making the sentence a little confusing. I was able to figure out what was going on, but a print error in a large commercial book like this is a little disappointing. However, I am GREATLY disappointed that us kindle readers don’t get any bonus chapters. Would it really be difficult to add one of the versions at the end for kindle/e-readers? We pay for the books, and I wouldn’t have been upset to pay a few dollars extra for a bonus chapter.

My final words to describe
House of Flame & Shadow:

-feel-good fantasy