A review by alaa_ilikecats
Sorceress by Claudia Gray


This book was much better than the last two. The "background" characters if you will aren't oblivious as other stories would have their characters be. The shining stars were Verliane and Asa and their interactions together. They felt like real people with real problems that affect them. I'm glad the book gave a large emphasis on their characters because honestly, whenever its wasn't either of their chapters I would slog through the rest of the book just for it.
Now we talk about the rest of the book. I don't know exactly why but honestly I don't care at all about Nadia and Mateo. The answers to their problems at the beginnings was obvious: just talk and yet they didn't. The only time I felt like these were actual characters I care about is after they did the deed and honestly that's what they need. A bit of actual slice of life moments sprinkled in so I can feel for them. Like example, Verlaine dresses in fashion even during downpours jusr so she can look good and honestly, even if its stupid you can relate and know this is a human being I should care about. If I can't care about your characters I won't care about your plot.