A review by v_larr
Anatomy by Dana Schwartz


3.5 stars. The title and summary is false marketing! This isn’t a romance, it’s historical fiction. I’m actually just going to update this real quick. Yeah, the title is false marketing! The focus is on Hazel’s journey studying anatomy and physiology and wanting to be a physician amidst a society that doesn’t want her to do so. The romance is a subplot at best. I honestly wanted a morbid romance but alas. I’m okay with that. Also, the summary of the book is kind of false marketing too. The stuff that happens in the summary happens halfway through and doesn’t even last that long. And that made me MAD. Like this book was good, but I was tricked! Come on man!

I enjoyed the little anatomy dumps, makes me feel like I DID learn something when I took the course last year. And honestly, I’m very morbid myself so I really enjoyed the vibes of like. Dissecting dead bodies and digging up graves. I hate to admit it but when I took my anatomy course, I studied best in the cadaver lab. The smell was weird but the vibes were fantastic. I like that this book also has that vibe, makes me feel a lot less weird.

The pacing was very slow and it felt like nothing really happened for a long part of the book. That’s what dropped the stars for me. I also wasn’t super invested in the romance, although I really appreciate the way they described each other. It was really lovely.

I’ll be honest, women in STEM historical fiction where the plot is “men won’t let woman be woman in STEM because she’s a woman” is starting to bore me.

I did really enjoy Hazel as a protagonist, though. She’s badass. Jack didn’t stand out to me.

I liked the reveals at the end. Although there was one that was kind of out of pocket.

Will I read the sequel? Maybe. I don’t know if I care enough. But this was a fun read!