A review by talya_
The New Guy (and Other Senior Year Distractions) by Amy Spalding

Did not finish book.
I couldn't finish this. I couldn't even get past the first six chapters. The book crawled at a snail's pace and was dull enough to make my eyes water with boredom. The characters are...well I would say typical characters, but they're far too boring to be called typical. They're just dull, flat, and highly uninteresting. And this book has far too many details in it that only makes the book even slower. Like it describes, in detail, how Jules and her mom are making meatballs. Tell me, why they hell is that relevant? Get on with the damn story and stop describing how to make meatballs or your duty as a liaison in school. I just...no. I wasn't going to put myself through this torture so I stopped reading. It's not a BAD book (actually, who knows maybe it is-- I didn't read far enough to find out), it's just mind-numbingly boring.