A review by mel_c_bell
The Merry Dredgers by Jeremy C. Shipp

Did not finish book.


Did I enjoy this? It was touch and go but overall I think I enjoyed it.

What did I enjoy?

The book starts off strong with great writing, smart inner monologues, and natural dialogues. We're presented with an intriguing yet still familiar premise, two sisters clearly on opposite sides of the 'productive member of society' spectrum; one working multiple jobs while the other joins a cult-not-cult; one pragmatic and the other the epitome of a free spirit. When one sister gets notified that her sister is in the hospital with serious injuries due to an alleged accident the FMC takes it upon herself to get to the bottom of her suspicions, or maybe their prejudices.

Ending was unexpected because the strange fever dream style of parts of the narration persuade you to start questioning your own beliefs.

What did I NOT enjoy?

The body of the book gets a bit monotonous and bogged down by multiple suspenseful scenes that all sort of fizzle. I'll admit that I started skim reading during some of the mundane activities happening at the retreat, so if I missed something it's because I lost faith earlier. There are a few sub plots that don't seem to get any closure, and this is a huge pet peeve of mine but if it doesn't bother you it probably won't even be noticeable.

Finally, the ending is interesting, and a bit surprising BUT it really all came together feeling rushed and anticlimactic.

Overall this is a decent read and the writing is really strong. I may just not have been in the mood for a read like this but I can still appreciate the work.