A review by duchessrin
Elements of Chemistry: Capture by Penny Reid


Maybe love, at its essence, is being a mirror for another person—for the good parts and the bad. Perhaps love is simply finding that one person who sees you clearly, cares for you deeply, challenges you and supports you, and subsequently helps you see and be your true self.

I know a lot of people went crazy with how the second part ended and no sneak-peak was given at all since I am one of them. Actually, when Penny Reid warned the readers about it, I purposely held off reading the second part until the third part was out. Fortunately, I was given an ARC.

It took me some time to finally get on writing a review because the book hangover I got from this book hit me so hard I couldn't read anything for days. Yeah, I accepted that I wouldn't be able to finish my reading challenge this month. *sniff, sniff* Even now, I still couldn't accept the fact that the time when we get to see what's happening in their lives is over. No. I want to see them get married. I want to see Martin propose. I want to see Kaitlyn get preggers and most of all, I want to see Martin as a dad. Thinking about it just makes me cry.

If you read the previous part, you'd know that our lovely couple broke up because of family circumstances. Kaitlyn tried to move on but it was hard. On the bright side, she finally pursued her passion. Months after their break up, Martin entered Kaitlyn's life again and they attempted to be friends again. But Kaitlyn couldn't find it in herself to be friends with him again. She'd always want more from him but it seemed like Martin was seeing another girl.

It wass times like this that I wished that Penny Reid wrote this with dual POVs. It was not like it wasn't enough for me to know what Kaitlyn's thoughts were. I just wanted to know what was on Martin's mind the whole time.

Penny Reid outdid herself this time. She managed to create a very tangible character with Kaitlyn. You could feel her emotions grip you. Her heartbreak, her attempt in moving on, her hopes of getting back together with Martin, her giddiness when all was finally well.

A part of me wants to say that it was a great way to end a very wonderful story but a bigger part of me is still reluctant to acknowledge that it has ended. It's not that Capture ended abruptly or anything, I really didn't want to say goodbye to K and M yet.

By the way, Capture is my book of the month this May.