A review by red3horn
Meb for Mortals: How to Run, Think, and Eat Like a Champion Marathoner by Meb Keflezighi, Scott Douglas

Not going to rate this as I skimmed most of it because it's a piece of arrogant and elitist trash.

I have read numerous books from elite athletes and books on elite athletes and no one has pissed me off this bad. Not even Steve Prefontaine, but I always imagine Pre as Jared Leto so he has that out.

This started out decent enough and I liked that Meb's goal to win Boston was to pay tribute to those killed and/or injured in the Boston 2013 bombing. I liked that, but that was about all there was to like about this.

I don't know who the intended audience was with this book of training methods but it wasn't me. I can get passed the ignorance and flippant attitude towards dietary issues, though I really want to give Meb a good old V8 smack in the head for eating so much damn red meat, but the rest of it?

The strength training, stretching and recovery was nothing special. Google all of those terms or follow a few running blogs and you get the same if not better workouts. The cross training was another selling point on a machine that he uses... the amount of product plugging in this was crazy. I get that they pay him but good lord, enough already.

In this book, we get "advice" or "guidance" from an elite athlete on how to run like he does and basically what you get is an arrogant man telling you how expensive his toys are, how great the shoes he runs in are because they have his name on them and how shitty of a person you are if you dare to carry your own bottle of water or electrolyte drink *gasp* with you on a 5k or 10k because...
As a professional runner, I get to have bottles with my preferred drink waiting for me on the course, usually every 5 kilometers in a marathon. Now, let’s be honest—if you carry a bottle for a 5-K or a 10-K, then we have some problems. But for a marathon or a half-marathon that’s going to take more than 2 hours, if carrying your own drink will make you feel comfortable, I’m okay with that.

Wow, thanks for your approval on if and only if I am running for 2+hours other than that, I have a problem.

My only problem is picking this up and thinking it would have any relevance to the runner that I am and that I want to become. I had hoped to cheer Meb on tomorrow in his race (Boston 2015) after reading this but... let's just say what comes out of my mouth for this Champion Marathoner won't be of the positive variety.