A review by braincabbage
The Full Spectrum by David Levithan, Billy Merrell


So I thought these were stories by LGBT writers, but they're actually mostly of the memoir type, and often coming-out stories.
It's so weird to see the acronym GLBT :D I guess that's a relic of the past by now. I mean this book is 10 years old, and most of the stories are older.
So there were some real gems in there, my favourite being "body isn't this" by Zara Iris, but most were just 'meh' -due to writing style and ability, I suppose. I also felt like the diversity could've been better: granted, a lot of sexual and gender identities were represented, but I felt like the focus was still on white gay American cis-men. The one story about Cairo was refreshing in that context, as well as the account of a genderqueer person. There were some people who had horrible experiences that I can't even begin to understand.
So I wouldn't say this was a waste of time, but I wouldn't push anyone into reading it either. It was alright.