A review by freadomlibrary
Sea Spell by Jennifer Donnelly


Actual rating 4.5 stars

This review was originally posted at https://freadomlibrary.wordpress.com/

Check out my series review here: https://freadomlibrary.wordpress.com/2016/10/14/series-review-waterfire-saga-by-jennifer-donnelly/

Plot – 4 out of 5 stars
After the slow third book, this one definitely picked up again. It’s action packed though not as entertaining as the glory that was the second book. There are quite a few slow sections and some more romance which is just not what I read these books for. It deals with deth, grief, friendship, family, hope and faith. Yet I felt like the ending was lackluster for such a fun series though the epilogue kind of made up for it.

Writing Style – 3 out of 5 stars
I’m running out of things to say about the writing style haha. It’s simple, full of tension and descriptive. It’s fast paced which makes reading go by really fast though the books are thick and with a lot of chapters. It’s imaginative though on the younger side of the YA genre. And there’s lots of POV’s that show you everything that is happening all the time.

Characters – 4 out of 5 stars
This book finally has the entire group of six mermaids together and it was really great to see their dynamic again.
Sera is in such a vulnerable place. She’s basically the leader of the fight which comes at a high price and a lot of pressure on her shoulders. She’s determined to get her kingdom back and while she’s brave and strong, she’s also weighed down a lot by everything going on around her. I’m glad she finally started to trust her partners in this book because she needed it.
Astrid is also one of the ones with the biggest character development. She deals with a lot alone, and she’s nervous and discouraged really easily. However, she manages to push past those tough feelings and is determined to save her world. She learns to take the encouragement from her friends and to trust them to keep her secrets and truths safe.
Honestly, this series has some amazing depictions not only of female friendships and the different kinds they can be but also of character development and how people and your experiences can change you for the better. I’m a fan.

SpoilerThis series wasn’t the greatest thing I’ve ever read but it’s so much fun and I loved the messages and themes it presents.

I’m really glad that I’m marking this series complete with the fourth book but this finale wasn’t what I was expecting.

The plot is too long. Our six mermaids are readying up for the two biggest battles of their lives. Taking back Miromara and defeating Sera’s uncle and finally killing Abbadon and saving their realms. They’re up against crazy, impossible odds but they have no other choice. I was expecting this finale to be a lot more exciting than it actually was. These books have a tendency to be really long, with a lot of chapters, but for some reason I was expecting this one to get to what we’ve been waiting for this entire time much quicker than it did. It just took too long to get the battles started and that’s basically what the reader is waiting for as soon as you open the first page, since it’s the finale. It was still action packed but there were a lot of luls in the plot and side scenes that didn’t really have to do with the big picture that just took too much time away from what I really wanted to know. When it finally came down to it, it was almost like I was already too bored to really care about the battles that were going on. Things happened a bit too conveniently for their plans which felt unrealistic but still obvious since it is a YA series. The ending itself was a bit lackluster and cheesy. I expected the fighting to be bigger, more intricate and to take up much more of the bulk of the story. However, the epilogue was really interesting though vague and left space open for a companion or spin off series since there were some loose ends that weren’t taken advantage of. This series is more about the characters and I really liked them.

Each girl was special in their own way which was obviously on purpose but still really cute. They were all different and had something unique to their mission and how they each helped make it happen. All of them grow a lot throughout the series though we put more attention on some of them more than the others.

Even with the different mentions of the romance with several of the different characters, this book was all about female friendships and girl power. It was so refreshing and just joyful to read a book all about girls kicking butt and growing and being brave even in front of adversity.

Overall, this series is really fun and I’m glad I read it. The plots are not that consistent, going from crazy action packed to sometimes lulling in movement, but they were all in general entertaining. I really liked the characters and how different they were and how much they grew throughout the series. But my favorite part of this series is how much the subject of girl power and female friendship was represented and made important. It was really refreshing and entertaining.