A review by ula_j
Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives by Michael Specter


It's not that I don't agree with the premise; I am firmly on the side of science. But for a journalist, this is a terribly written book. If I had turned this in to my college professors, I would've gotten maybe a C and a "organize your thoughts in a cohesive manner!!" in big red letters. He's all over the place and unduly simplifies issues while demonizing the opposition. It comes off as so condescending that it is hard to accept, even as someone who generally agrees with him. His chapter on race and genetics is hugely simplistic, he doesn't even try to parse out what he means by 'race' (as if all African-Americans come from the same place..) and I am highly suspicious when anyone says that "we are just being too politically correct." few things stir up my rage more than anti-vaccine proponents, global warming denialists or creationists, but even so, I wouldn't recommend this book.