A review by cebolla
From #blacklivesmatter to Black Liberation: Expanded Second Edition by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor


First off, this book was written during the Obama administration, with a short update at the end that appears to have been written immediately after Trump was elected. I'd love to see an update that covers the recent BLM uprising.

That said, this book was much better than I thought it would be. It gives a detailed history of the Civil Rights movement, and it's successes and failures, and then compares them to the current (six years ago) Black Lives Matter movement. Taylor explains this in an academic voice, but one that's accessible to just about anyone. I feel like I have a much clearer understanding of many things now that I've read this.

The only section that rubbed me the wrong way was when Taylor, seemingly apropos of nothing, defends Marx from charges that he was racist. She doesn't do a very good job, and doesn't even mention his misogyny or rampant anti-Semitism.