A review by sleightoffeet
The Darkest Secret by Alex Marwood


This book was just fun! It was a mystery that jumped back and forth from 2004 to the present day. There were characters I loved, ones I loved to hate, ones I started out hating but liked in the end and those that I liked but then hated in the end. Most of all it was light and fun (which I know is really not something someone should be saying about a book with a kidnapping).

I still think [b:The Killer Next Door|18716296|The Killer Next Door|Alex Marwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1492596876l/18716296._SY75_.jpg|26579759] is my favorite Marwood so far, but this one comes in a close second.