A review by yodamom
Dead Sky Morning by Karina Halle


4.5 screaming stars ! Yeowzers, I was sitting on the edge of my seat for almost every page. Ms. Halle took me to my scary dark place, threw me in, then covered me with pure darkness, dead things and dosed me with some crazy thoughts and closed the lid ! Holy crazy bat-trip Batman I screamed loud when my husband came up behind me ! He's till trying to recover himself from that. LOL
Dex and Perry go to a beautifully dark dangerous island for a shoot only to find more horrors there than either of them where ready to face. There is little happiness in this edition of their story. She is found, he is too. Both have many secrets. They are just trying to get to know each other, kind of and everything seems to backfire and blow like the wind.
I still hate these characters as much as I like them and I just can't quit them. I can't !
Read it, and beware of creeping things in the dark ! LOL