A review by kiki_duke
Wild Place by Christian White


I found the story very slow moving, the characters shallow and their actions/responses to be unrealistic and unbelievable. The one character I did start to empathise with or at least want to know more about - Sean - was given a resolution to his story that seemed to be purely for shock factor rather than a realistic turn of events.

And maybe this is generational (I was a mere babe in the 80s, so maybe it was like this??) but believing someone is a satanist because of a pentagram and metal music? Not just believing either but basing a whole motive for murder on such trivial/little “proof” of satanism. Was “satanic panic” really that severe in the 80s???

And the reveal of the where Tracie was and how she got there (trying not to give anything away) was supposed to be a plot twist but is was such an overplayed twist that I expected it. Not at all shocked.

It was all just underwhelming and fell flat for me. Disappointed after loving the author’s first two books so much.