A review by bsweezy
Beat: Go Go's Fusion of Funk and Hip Hop by Kip Lornell, Charles C. Stephenson


If based on actual quality of analysis, writing level, and effective communication of information on the topic, this would probably be one star.

Well that's not quite fair.

You do get to learn a lot about go-go, but you have to put up with statements like "go-go audience members-at peak points in the performance-stand up a wave their hands back and forth just like people in villages in West Africa do even to this day."

Nevertheless, I got a lot of DC lore and geography out of it, and a redoubled appreciation for Chuck Brown being in another league from his go-go contemporaries. Trouble Funk's "Drop the Bomb" sure does screen 1983 Sugar Hill Records though...and it's good that it does.