A review by usbsticky
Death and Judgment by Donna Leon


I haven't been reading these in order but this happens to be my 4th Brunetti book that's also 4th in the series.

Setting: Commissario Brunetti is a Venetian cop solving crimes in Venice. He's ably assisted by sergeant Vianello a big gruff veteran and secretary Elettra Zorzi, an elegant fashionista. His helpers allow him to solve crime in easy mode as both of them are very competent in what they do. In contrast his boss Vice-Questore Patta is a self-serving bureaucrat and politician whose only goal is to make himself look good without doing any work. Fortunately he also operates in easy mode as he doesn't put many obstacles in Brunetti's way. Also in the cast of characters are Brunetti's family who provides some drama away from the office.

I like the books not because of the crime but because of the characters and the setting. The author does a good job of making the characters real and also telling us what real Italian politics is like (corrupt and incompetent).

Spoilers ahead:
I read somewhere that Donna Leon focuses on a particular subject in each book and in this book she focuses on white slavery where women are tricked or coerced into coming to Italy where they are forced to work as prostitutes. There's also a bit on snuff films and CP. It makes for serious reading and cogitation.
Spoilers end.

As usual the start can be slow but builds up as we follow Brunetti on his dogged investigation. The ending (also as usual) is a bit abrupt.