A review by sarah42783
Cast in Secret by Michelle Sagara


Actual rating: 2.5 stars.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this is one of the richest, most interesting, original Fantasy worlds I've ever come across. And yet…

Yep, that's right. Because there is only so much boredom I can take. And Bloody Fantastic Elantra (BFE™) or not, I've had it. I've had it with the incessant, irrelevant blah-blah-blah-ing. And with the non-stop, unnecessary, uninteresting info dumping. And with the painfully slow pace. And with the ever-jumbled plot that makes me feel like a harebrained nitwit. And with the total and utter lack of character development. Kaylin, my dear, you could have made it into my Cool Chicks Harem, but you keep blabbering like an immature teenager just like you did in the first instalment, and I've had enough. I have been anxiously waiting to know more about you and the mysteriously mysterious symbols on your body since book one, but you know what? I have no patience left. And I don't give a bloody damn anymore.

Come to think of it, this whole world and the characters in it seem to have stopped their progression/evolution at the end of book 1. Nothing new or exciting has happened since [b:Cast in Shadow|9542|Cast in Shadow (Chronicles of Elantra, #1)|Michelle Sagara|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1427446538l/9542._SY75_.jpg|12369], and it feels like the author hit the freeze button on her writing remote ← don't ask me what a writing remote is supposed to be, I have no freaking idea. I usually love it when authors take their time to develop the world they created (not too much time though, I am, after all, little slightly impatient me), but this is overdoing it. We are stuck, my Little Barnacles! Irremediably and hopelessly stuck! I probably would have enjoyed this one a lot more had the story been half as interesting as it was in book 1. But it wasn't, so I didn't. Enjoy it, I mean. Besides, the plot in this one is about a missing kid. And you know just how much I love Kids and Babes and Infants Oh My (KaBaIOM™), don't you, my Lovely Decapods? So I guess what I'm ever-so-cleverly trying to say is: it would take a seriously awesome story to make me care about a freaking missing kid. This one happened to be seriously NOT awesome, so I didn't. Care, I mean.

» And the moral of this Crappy Non Review is: I. AM. DONE.

· Book 0.5: Cast in Moonlight ★★★★
· Book 1: Cast in Shadow ★★★★★
· Book 2: Cast in Courtlight ★★★★ (make that 3.5 stars. Because I was in a good mood when I wrote the Crappy Non Review.)