A review by shanehawk
Days of Rage: America's Radical Underground, the FBI, and the Forgotten Age of Revolutionary Violence by Bryan Burrough


On one hand I very much enjoyed this book. The nuance the author was able to provide thanks to his impressive research and interviews of the people involved allowed me to see these movements as more than one-dimensional terrorist groups. I learned so much from this era. Burrough does an amazing job blending quotes from interviews with historical context and events which happened according to multiple perspectives. It often read like a crime novel.

On the other hand there was so much painstaking detail my mind drifted off at times. This book has it all if this era speaks to you as a contemporary radical or history student with a curiosity for these terrorists. I’m in neither of those camps so the crazy detail of every person, every event, almost day by day at times, was a little much for my general curiosity of this epoch.

With that being said, I still very much enjoyed this book and hope others read it as well. These groups and this time in American history aren’t talked about much by my age group. Perhaps that’s why Burrough decided to add “forgotten age” in the subtitle.