A review by elizabethgreads
Heroic Measures by Jill Ciment


5 out of 5 stars!!

This book follows three main characters Ruth, Alex, and Dorothy, their dog. The book is set shortly after 9/11 in side New York City. Ruth and Alex are getting up there in age and are faced with the decision of selling their apartment and moving. This is a big change in their life that they are struggling emotionally and mentally to make. Along with making a huge decision they are trying to help Dorothy after she hurts herself. While all of this is going on New York City and it's citizens are in hysterics after a traffic accident happens in midtown.

I would describe this book at a thriller, and commentary novel at the same time. The book make me feel so many feelings. I really was drawn in fairly quickly and early on in the book. This is very fast paced and happens over the span of about a week. This book took me a day to read minus the first 8 pages witch I read earlier. This book was defiantly a page turner to me.

I think that animal lovers of all sorts would really love this book. Also I believe the main characters are Russian Jews which is different than many protagonist. I think that the mystery and wanting to find out what happened next in regards to the three differently plot lines going on made this novel very easy to read and kept me engaged as a reader. I don't think someone who needs for the character to be their age would like this book as the protagonist are an elderly couple and their dog. I think that any one who enjoys supineness, books that really cause you to feel the emotions of the characters would absolutely enjoy this book.

This book caused me to evaluate how I think in certain situations.