A review by carlacbarroso
Maus by Art Spiegelman


Only now have I started reading accounts and stories set during the 2nd World War. I mean, I already studied the period and I love to watch movies set around that period but I've never read anything until last year, I believe. Now I know why I was so afraid of reading anything. It just tears me apart. To know such monstrous thing happened, how human life seemed to have no value at all, how a group of people was dehumanized. It was interesting that at some point of this book I wondered if the writer was doing the same, portraying jews as mice, but then at one panel I understood how brilliant it was. It didn't matter if there were mice on the page, I knew it represented people, actual people that used to have a job, a family, friends. And I was sobbing while reading about what they've gone through and hoping, praying for such thing never to happen again.