A review by meera01
Linesman by S.K. Dunstall


After finishing [b:Network Effect|52381770|Network Effect (The Murderbot Diaries, #5)|Martha Wells|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1568667704l/52381770._SX50_SY75_.jpg|63614271], I wanted my next read to be sci-fi. I had trouble finding the right one and had even started and given up on a couple before this one. This was good and fast paced from the get go. I found the concept of lines controlling ships to be unique and interesting. I also liked the MC and what he could do. The book was action packed and it was hard to put down.

I did have some reservations though. The world building could have been more detailed and also on the concept of lines. As for the lines, the explanation for not having better details on them was that the people themselves didn't know much about them. My second and bigger annoyance was the MC, Ean. He was a likable character but he was also an insecure mess with little to no survival skills. He started like that and ended like that. I cannot enumerate how often he needed to be helped or rescued. It didn't make sense since he was from the slums. How did grow up in the slums without acquiring any defensive or survival skills? My hope is that his character does grow beyond his ability with the lines in the next two books because I was getting frustrated with him in this. It was still a good book and I am excited for the next book but I hope he improves.