A review by rikuskey
Dragonsworn by Sherrilyn Kenyon


DNF. I first read the chronicles of nick, DNFd that because of the writing style being horrendous, gave Kenyon another shot with her DH series, fell in LOVE with all the characters and the plot lines but now... What the hell is even happening in this series. Nick is AWOL, I have to pull up character bios on Wikipedia to know who the hell any of these people are anymore, especially since everyone and their mothers (literally!) are related to each other somehow, someway and they are often mentioned ONCE then you don't hear about them for 5 or more books down the line. everyone's personality has become the same, there isn't anything new offered (woe me I have a tragic past and I'm a hard ass who doesn't need anyone, except this one chick who somehow melts away my thousands of years of defenses down in one freaking hour because she's hot?) the plots expanding to where it's extremely hard to follow. The gallu have been gone for about 5 books suddenly they are back and oh yeah now everything even faye are infected by the gallu (when did THAT happen?!), the pathenons can't cross but somehow everyone seems to be able to do this? Oh yeah by the way if you haven't read her very first books under her pen name, you'll be punished because this is a continuation of Lords of Avalon! I'm so confused anymore! This book just ended up being the tipping point. I was interested in Falcyons story, even skipped the 7 pages of nothing but him and Meadea sleeping around in hostile territory (because that always makes sense), but now Appolymis direct line lead to the malachi? (had to look that one up too) so let me guess now nick and acheron are distantly related. Was any of this stuff in con? Must have because now the readers who don't read every single one of her books are being punished for it. Im upset I invested so much time into this series, and now I just can't continue, I feel like the author doesn't even know what's happening anymore or even care.

As for the book itself, I can't give an honest full book review since I DNFd it, but it was leading to be the same ol shit of I've been betrayed, you're a woman I just can't resist, show me the light, let me screw you and claim you as my soul mate even though we just met like two hours ago and then oh yeah some stuff happens to lead the plot along with another dangling carrot even though it really didn't progress the series any.