A review by yvo_about_books
Forest of the Pygmies by Isabel Allende


Finished reading: December 20th 2012
Rating 2


I have to admit I didn't realize Forest Of The Pygmies was a childrens book when I first started reading it, and that might have influenced my rating in a negative way. I was expecting another of her well written adult literature novels, and unfortunately I didn't like the way Isabel Allende changed her original writing style in Forest Of The Pygmies. I also haven't read the first two parts of the trilogy, which may or may not have worked against the story. But all in all, unfortunately I cannot describe the story in any other way than uninspiring, dull and almost boring. Allende used 'magic realism' to spice up the story, but it couldn't convince me to think otherwise. I know she wrote it for children, but still... I have read way better children literature, and I was highly disappointed especially after having read other work of her in the past.


Forest Of The Pygmies is the final adventure of Alexander Cold and Nadia Santos in the Eagle and Jaguar trilogy.  Alex and Nadia are in Kenya, Africa together with Alex's grandmother. This time, she is writing a story for International Geographic about an elephant safari operation. Just before they go home, a Catholic missionary asks for their help in finding two fellow missionaries who have disappeared. They agree to help him, but soon find themselves lost in the swamps when their plane crashes. They discover a clan of Pygmies, and when they see they are treated unfairly, they try to set them free...


Like I said before, I couldn't really enjoy this novel. I normally like reading children stories; it makes me feel nostalgic. But Forest Of The Pygmies was just plain boring and cannot be compared to Allende's adult fiction work. If you have never read her work before, please don't choose this one as your parameter!

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.