A review by sarah42783
One For Sorrow by Pippa DaCosta


Disclaimer: I'm not entirely sane when it comes to anything and everything Pippa DaCosta. You have been warned.

Oh please don't tell me my rating surprises you! This is The Veil, people! This is Pippa DaCosta! Of course I'm giving this 5 stars! *eyeroll* Okay Sarah, be patient, be lenient, try to understand. Most of the poor souls who are reading this review probably haven't read this series yet. Sigh. What sad, pointless, dismal lives they must lead. They don't know about Muse! They don't know about Stefan *swoons*, the Icicle Prince! They don't know about Akil *faints*, the Asshole Demon Prince! This calamitous situation has to be remedied at once! Make haste, make haste, you poor, clueless souls! Read The Veil! You need it in your life!

Oops. I think I just kind of got ahead of myself right there didn't I? I'm supposed to tell you about this book in particular and The Veil in general before I tell you to read them, right? Right. So sorry about that. I did warn you that my two little grey cells tended to short-circuit when it came to Pippa DaCosta, so you shouldn't be surprised. Okay, let's see. What can I possibly say about this amazing-incredible-awesome-OMGIcan'tBreatheRightNow-flabbergasting-DamnI'mHyperventilatingAgain-astonishing-BloodyHellThisIsTooGoodToBeTrue series that I haven't said before? Now let me think for a second… Err… Surely there must be something… Err… Please give me another second… Err… Sorry, this doesn't seem to be working.

See? It's no use. Especially since I've been suffering from The Veil/Muse/Stefan/Akil/The-Freaking-Awesomeness-Of-It-All-withdrawal symptoms since the final instalment in the series was published last April *starts sobbing uncontrollably* Okay Sarah, get a grip. You are strong. You can do this. Of course you can. So. Moving on. As I was trying to say saying, The Veil came to its conclusion
OMG OMG OMG, I can feel it coming again, I don't think I can hold off much longer...

Dammit Sarah, will you just STOP IT once and for all! You're boring these poor, clueless souls to death here!
We apologize for this unexpected interruption. This review will resume shortly. Well it should. Hopefully. Let's try and do this again shall we? So. Moving on. As I was trying to say saying, The Veil came to its conclusion last April. Much heartbreak and despair ensued. Until Pippa DaCosta announced she had some unfinished business with Muse and her world. Not the Hey-I-Finally-Decided-The-Series-Wasn't-Finished-Yet type of unfinished business, thankfully enough. I HATE authors who can't let go of a series and drag it on and on and on *waves at Jennifer Estep* Anyway, this was to be the Oh-Look-I-Have-A-New-Short-Story-And-A-Collection-Of-Bonus-Scenes-From-The-Veil-For-You type of unfinished business. Much hysterical screaming and delirious fangirling ensued.
Did you think I'd use yet ANOTHER fangirling gif here? Nope. I knew you were expecting it, so I chose not to go for it. Muhahahaha.
Guess what? I lied. Muhahahahaha.

So. To the task at hand, One For Sorrow. A short story and three bonus scenes from The Veil. YES, finally, the Muse fix all of us addicts had been impatiently waiting for. I'd love to give you a detailed synopsis of these stories. But I won't. Out of the goodness of my very kind heart. Because spoilers and all that. No wait, that isn't right. What I meant to say was: because SPOILERS and all that. Oh yeah. As usual, Pippa DaCosta knows how to pack a punch. And, as usual, she cannot be trusted. Damn, the woman loves to play with my poor nerves.

One For Sorrow, the main short story in this collection, starts innocently enough with Muse and Ryder going demon hunting. And them BAM! Expect the unexpected. The story is fantastic, exciting, fast-paced, action-packed and a little heartbreaking. Why heartbreaking? Because of things that were and no longer are. That's all you'll get from me. Not a word more. Nope. Suffice it to say that this is one of the best short stories I've ever read. Yes it is.

See? Even Sherlock agrees. Well Sherlock also happens to think the Icicle Prince should have made an appearance here and Sherlock is a little frustrated right now. But Sherlock ALSO happens to think this will be a great excuse for Pippa DaCosta to write another short story featuring the Icicle Prince EXTENSIVELY. And you know what? Sherlock is always right. Ha.

Now for the bonus scenes from The Veil. I LOVE them all. Obviously.

Alone Time is a sweet story featuring Muse the Lil' Firecracker and Ryder. Yes, I know, I just used the words 'sweet', 'Muse' and 'Ryder' in the same sentence. No, I am not drunk. No, I am not high. Yes, this story is pretty sweet. Well what I consider sweet anyway. Which might not be sweet at all to most other people. Anyway, I love Muse and Ryder together. And I LOVE what a pain in the ass Ryder can be. And I LOVE Muse, forever and always. But I didn't really need to say that, did I? Oh well. ✉ Personal message to Pippa DaCosta: I think Ryder needs to have a series of his own. Thank you.

She Burns. I think Pippa DaCosta picked the wrong title for this one. Seriously, this one should have been called I Burn. Because Muse as seen from Stefan-The-Icicle-Prince's POV? Damn. I love the way this woman writes. Damn. This is amazing. Damn. The Icicle Prince is hot. Damn. Major swooning going on right there. Damn.

In conversation with Akil. Pippa DaCosta having a conversation with Akil the Prince of Greed a.k.a. everyone's favourite assholish Prince of Hell? Very, very cool. KMM tried to do this with Jericho Freaking Barrons but it wasn't that convincing. This right here is very, very convincing. And major swooning happened –again- while I was reading this. Up to the point where Pippa DaCosta started threatening Akil, that is. That woman! The nerve! How dare she threaten to delete the untrustworthy Prince of Ulterior Motives?! He might be an arrogant, greedy, uncaring asshole but I LOVE him, Pippa! You can't do this to him! You can't do this to me, you heartless woman! I might go slightly nuclear on you if you do.

Note to self: okay, menacing one of your favourite authors with bodily harm might not be the brightest idea you've ever had. You still want Pippa DaCosta to write amazing stories don't you? Right, that's what I thought. Now go punch a tourist or two something to release all that pent-up outrage, indignation and utter resentment.

Now were was I? Oh yes, the conversation with Akil. Well to be honest I don't have much more to say about it. And I guess it all comes down to this:
He is a trap. What you see is not what you get.
►► And that, ladies and gentleman, is The Veil in a nutshell. And it's one of the best series I've ever read. So read it. NOW.

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Prequel: Wings of Hope ★★★★★
Book 1: Beyond the Veil ★★★★★
Book 2: Devil May Care ★★★★★
Book 3: Darkest before Dawn ★★★★★
Book 4 Drowning in the Dark ★★★★★
Book 5 Ties that Bind ★★★★★