A review by raven168
Daxon's Hostage by Michele Mills


So I haven't read any of the books prior to this one in the series and I don't think it really impacted the story too much. Do I now want to read them? Yes! This one was an Amazon freebie, so I'm kind of hoping that the rest of the series will also go on sale some day so I check them out as well. It would also be nice to finally understand some things about this book that I'm sure were explained earlier.

Despite the fact that there is pretty much zero action in this book, I ended up enjoying it a lot. The only thing I hated was the obsessive emphasis on how perfect and beautiful Darcy was. To the point that she was called the most beautiful woman on the planet. Hard eye roll. I suppose there was a point to it, but it always annoys me when so many books repeat ad nauseam how perfect the characters are.

Poor, perfect Darcy just wants to work on robots and machines in her small town, and instead finds herself being forced into not just one marriage, but two. After repeatedly putting off marrying her brother's best friend, she blatantly ignores her family's actions and unfortunately catches the attention of the most eligible bachelor on the entire planet. While everyone else is beyond jealous of Darcy, she doesn't want to marry him at all. Especially when she finds out what kind of monster he is. So her brother comes up with a plan to get her off planet. Stow her away on an alien space ship.

Daxon is a newbie bounty hunter having a bad day. His ship is broken (and he's no repair man) and his first bounty was retracted. Then after he finally gets off planet, it's to find an intruder sleeping in his bed. His first reaction is to lock them up, but then he catches the intruder's scent and knows immediately she's his mate.

I really liked the interactions between Daxon and Darcy as they get to know each other. Granted, it was only over a period of a few days. But Daxon is indeed an honorable alien and respects Darcy's wishes about not testing for compatibility. Darcy was already being forced into two marriages she didn't want, so she has no desire to marry period. Too bad her body craves Daxon so badly and he's such a good guy. It was interesting to get an alien species that doesn't have sex for fun, making the complete 180 Daxon goes thru afterwards totally believable. Poor dude had no idea what he was missing out on.

I totally enjoyed the two other bounty hunters we meet here. And how everything went down after they came on scene was great. It was a good end to the story. Plus, with that epilogue, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who kittens are kryptonite to.