A review by toggle_fow
Eight Cousins: Or the Aunt-Hill by Louisa May Alcott


On the one hand, I love this book.

On the other hand, have you ever read Little Women and thought, you know, this is good, but it's just not PREACHY and MORALISTIC enough for me? If you have, then Eight Cousins is the book for you! (Cigar smoking, vanity, corsets, even *gasp* novel reading!)

Rose is orphaned and immediately plunged into her extended family. Her parents are barely alluded to again. From now on, it is Uncle Alec hours 24/7.

It's great to see a fictional extended family that is almost all well-meaning, and the gaggle of boy cousins really is a lot of fun. The whole Phebe dynamic strikes an odd note, and only doesn't get really weird because Rose is just a kid and doesn't know about class struggle. Overall, this book is a quick, easy read and very entertaining in a profoundly old-fashioned way.