A review by ainsleybelle22
Phantom by Susan Kay


I read this months ago and finally am making a review. I originally gave this two stars but after a lot of thinking and kinda refiguring my rating system, I bumped it down to one star. Every section of this book I would keep waiting for it to get better. And it never did. It had its brief moments, but there were to many things I couldn’t look past. The behavior of Madeleine disgusted me. It may offer some sympathy for the character of Erik, but not enough. Even though there were other things throughout, the part where it all went downhill was the minute he met Christine.

I guess I should say saw. He stalked her in her dressing room casually. Also I’d like to throw in he’s 50 at this point. Christine is barely 20 I’m pretty sure. He literally says he’s old enough to be her father. Moving on. My memories hazy and I’m looking at my annotations, but they meet several times and such, all the while Erik has nice thoughts about raping Christine. Like thinking this when she’s sleeping in her bed... ya. But y’all ain’t ready for the thing about to tell ya. He casually orders Christine a wedding dress, and one night is like “put it on” so they can act out an opera or something. Then she comes out and he decides he can’t do this so he sends her back to her room and commands her to bolt the door. Then he starts playing really “sexy” music and we no joke get Christine getting herself on to this sexy music. I wish I was joking. And then ~since this is a counterpoint~ the next time we get Erik he no joke is like “I would’ve lost control and raped her so I raped her with music instead”. Not exact quote but you get the idea.

So we get through more pages like Raoul wanting Christine to marry him and Erik being jealous. So basically they come up with this plan to escape Erik and Christine has this long monologue about how she loves Erik but not really and can’t give him everything he wants and yada yada. Erik’s home insane at this point and is basically a morphine addict and is cursing god and all this fun stuff. He overheard the Raoul and Christine “we’ll run away together” conversation and goes ballistic and steals Christine off the opera stage. And then christines is like why are you doing this and Erik’s all like I trusted you and worshipped you and “I’ve never even touched you!” Ya bud that’s basic human respect not winning the right to a girl. So basically we’re at the original plot of the book and Raoul is basically dying and they share a kiss and he realizes he can’t kill Raoul. Section ends.

For the delightful final section we get the POV of Raoul. He has a son now! Or does he.... because in this section we learn of the events leading up to like 16 years of the original book. Our lovers raoul and Christine get the heck out of their and are betrothed to marry. The problem is Christine promised the phantom an invitation to the wedding, and Raoul ain’t about that life. So he rips it up and Christine is pissed. She runs out and Raoul then starts drinking and is talking bout how naive he is when he delivers my favorite line of this section: “twenty years old and still a Virgin!” Poor Raoul. Anyways he goes on down to where the phantom is and instead is faced with his sidekick Daroga. He politely informs Raoul that Erik and Christine are currently in a room alone together with the door closed. Raouls like let me in there and the darogas like you have no right so Raoul has no choice just to stand there awkwardly. Apparently Erik is dying and Christine asked the Daroga to “be the witness” or some crap so I’m 95 percent sure that was some sketchy wedding ceremony. And then eventually Christine comes out with Erik’s cat and they both go home.

They get married a month later and then sail to England. Christine announces she’s pregnant and Raoul is frickin stoked. Christine however becomes worse and worse in health as the pregnancy progresses and finally the doctor says we need to perform a c section. Raouls like heck no fam the child would be 8 weeks premature. And then the doctor like nah it’ll only be a month premature. Raoul is shook. I’m shook (except I knew this was coming, but still, shook). So basically Raoul gives the ok and both Christine and our new boy Charles survive. Charles is not deformed and the doctor informs Raoul they shouldn’t have any more children. The cat dies several years later and then Christine does. Raoul goes through this whole chapter being like “his father would be proud of him” like wtf. It makes no sense that this is even happening.

I kinda rambled and this is more like an angry summary but here y’all go! I hope your just reading this review because you’re hecking bored and didn’t have to suffer through this, but if you did suffer I hope you can find humor in this.

Oh, and I don’t get all the five star rating