A review by guarinous
Solo Viola: A Post-Exotic Novel by Antoine Volodine


Solo Viola, a tiny book filled with Big ideas written by Antoine Volodine, receives a brand new translation to be released at yet another politically appropriate juncture. It features a motley cast of characters in a world controlled by a clownish and bombastic authoritarian figure (familiar?) and surrealist yet highly lovely prose.

However, I've rated this a three! Personally, I couldn't ever get drawn into the story 100%, or find myself relating to any of the characters. Perhaps this is my privilege talking or naivety, or maybe it just wasn't my cup of parable this time. This shouldn't detract from the timely nature of the message, and it's a quick enough read where it's not so much of a time suck to give it a shot to see if you feel differently from me.

**I was given a copy of this book by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to Univ Of Minnesota Press**