A review by whiskeyinthejar
Wolf Bride by Elizabeth Moss


I'm glad I hung in there for the Anne Boleyn beheading scene (roughly 70-80% in) because it was done really well and the sense of history had my nerdy self jonesing.

The rest, well, umm, do you like nipples (this is extremely important here), amazingly dumb bratty heroines, and heroes without first names who call themselves rapists but aren't...sort of...kind of...not? This was also billed as erotic but honestly, I've gotten more out of a well baked chocolate chip cookie.

I really was going to write more of a review but seriously, they never mention the heroes first name, so this is all I have in me. The writing itself was good but the story never came together and the lead couple sucked (like that scholarly word?).

I'm off to bake some chocolate chip cookies