A review by sueread2030
The Pale City by Marshall J. Moore


If the movie I Robot was set in a fantasy world of magic, politics and culture, then it would be this book

first, let me say how refreshing it was to read a fantasy book that has a Male protagonist as the lead and from his sole POV.
not only that, but all the Female leads supporting him were as strong

add to that Cassius was not your typical six foot plus, white, broad shouldered hero. He is described as having dark skin, short height with a somewhat fit body.

The Albastians have used the Ayu'li's Rite of Rising to resurrect, somehow, their dead and change them into Attendants, a zombi-like servents who do not feel or think just serve. So when a murder of a senate shock the Republic because it was done by an Attendant, all eyes goes to the Legates who control them.
In his search for the truth, Cassius reveals a conspiracy that is befalling and could bring the downfall of the Republic

The book is filled with different cultural refrences of ancient Egypt, the Exodus, slavery and West-East conflict.
You also notice that there are many allusions to Shakespeareane names and stories
our Hero is called Gaius Cassius - who happens to be the one recording the muder of Julius Ceasar - investigating the murder of the Senate called Julius

One other thing I liked about the book was the subtle world building. It is not heavy as in other fantasy books that leaves you confused or takes the majority of the book
as a matter of fact it draws a lot from our world

However, I had some minor issues while reading
1- you never get to know the ages of the characters. they are certainly not teens.
2- because of certain scenes of sexual implications and violence, I do not know if it is supposed to be YA. maybe highr YA? Like suitable from ages 16 and above?
3- There are many indications and words used in our world that would suggest that this world is Earth at some point. for example, they drink coffee, their money is denarii (like Dinar) , have phoenix stautes, and use phrases such as "son of a bitch"
but it is not clear in the book

Finally, the book is part of a trilogy but you can read it as a standalone as it ends without a cliffhanger
also, although there are elements of romance here and there, this should not be read as a romance fantasy.